Much is made of soft laws of Brazil, and her resulting impunity, and because of this, many people feel the desire to move to Brazilian cities considered less violent, or even change their country, having as one of the preferred destinations States States, as many Brazilians feed in their minds that the American people live under a fair and effective law, but that's not what the world community mostly have seen throughout American history.
In a country that is extremely racist, can we consider fair and effective law? What differs the legal system of Brazil and the United States, perhaps the death penalty established in American law, unlike Brazil, that the death penalty exists, but is not established in law, but otherwise, the same injustices the same corporatism is seen in the country's "Uncle Sam". In Brazil dominates the Law of "carteirada" and Semi Gods, which can all for the sake of his ego that has grown because of the acquisition of a public office of relative importance, and because of this, went over everything that committed to be and do when committed themselves to serve the Brazilian citizens. Meanwhile in the United States, corporatism and impunity in favor of the police "racist" gets to be absurd, generating historical racial conflicts, such as the suburb of Saint Louis, Missouri.

But who is to blame rampant racism in the United States? The entire population has a share of the blame, as American citizens feed racism in their culture and especially in their day to day example of this are the famous American sitcom where there is racism in the statements of artístas where there is racism in the cast, finally, through these programs, the world can see the clarity of American racism is shameful, but it is reality.
It is difficult to find a logical reason why we not only in the US but worldwide, racist people, it is difficult to understand this kind of attitude, only because of skin color, whether white, black, yellow, green, blue, pink with green polka dots, we are all human beings.

Every year, thousands of dollars are spent to find life outside of planet earth, but really man is not prepared to have an extraterrestrial contact, after all, if we are racists with human beings themselves that only have different colors, imagine if the find little green men with big head, pointed ears, stubby antennae and eyes like the snake? Really man does not deserve the title of being an intelligent being.
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